Today, Finley is one month old and I am just now getting to uploading his pictures of his arrival. I have been a very busy mommy taking care of one special little boy. The delivery went so beyond good. We went into the hospital on Monday, August 26 to start the process. They gave me some medicine that would start thinning my cervix. At 4 a.m., Dr. Henson came in and broke my water and started me on the drip to get my contractions started. At about 5 a.m. my contractions were starting to feel a little uncomfortable. So, the nurse came in to give me some pain meds through my I.V. Ryan and Papa were there with me and let me tell you... Pain meds make me talk off the wall. Just ask Papa. They are trying to rest, and I am just a talking away. Around 9:00 my contractions are coming less than one minute apart and I am hurting pretty good at this point. They give me more pain meds but they are not even touching the pain. So, at about 9:30 they decide to go ahead and give me an epidural, even though I was only dilated to a 2. (Dr. Henson was not so happy when he found out the nurses did this, because it usually slows down contractions and labor.) At 10:15 I was only dilated to a 4 and only about 30% effaced. So, Ryan was so hungry he decided to go with Nana and Grace across the street to Purple Cow to get something to eat. Little did we all know that labor would speed up so fast. Thank goodness for Alesha coming in when she did because I was telling her how much pressure I was feeling. So, she goes to get the nurse at 11:15 and surprisingly Finley was ready, right then. I called Ryan and told him to get back to hospital right then. So, he comes running in the room at about 11:30 a.m. The entire pregnancy he said he was not going to stay in the room because it would make him too sick. That he would be in the corner eating ice chips, but he did so good. He stayed in the room and was camera man. My sister also stayed in the delivery room with us as well. Mamaw was supposed to help during the delivery, but she missed the whole birth because she got the stomach virus. She was so upset, but Ashley did great stepping in and helping. I pushed a few times and in comes Dr. Henson and we had a very easy delivery at 11:54 a.m. He was perfect. He weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 inches long.
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