Our Kiddos

Our Kiddos

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekend Fun

Since Finley was only a few days old he has loved to try to hold his head up.  He is very nosy and loves to look around.  He thinks he may miss something if he sleeps, so he likes to stay awake, a lot.  He is so strong, he will hold his head up with so much control and he loves to kick and his legs are so strong also.

We had some great company this weekend.  Aunt Alesha, Carlye, Kenna and Ellie came to see us.  Grace and Ellie played in her room playing arts and crafts.  I guess Grace needed her kitchen attire on to do arts and crafts. 

Sister Love

Grace sure loves when she comes to daddy's house and loves her little brother.  She helps out so much.  She likes to hold him and feed him and rock him.  BUT she will not help change diapers. haha.

One Month Old - September 27th

The first month went by so fast.  I am so glad that I get to stay home for these 6 weeks and spend as much time with him as possible.  Daddy got to stay home for the first two weeks and we are so glad that he was able to do that.  We are having some issues getting his belly right.  He is very gassy and bloated.  I have been breast feeding and he just stays fussy all day long.  You can tell his little tummy is all bloated and he stiffens those legs and arches his back and just screams.  Poor little guy is hurting.  So, we took a visit to the Dr office and we think maybe he has a sensitivity to cow's milk and the Dr changed him to a hypoallergenic formula.  He is some better, but he still fusses and stiffens up.  Hopefully, he will find relief very soon.  Mommy wants him to feel better and be a happy baby.  Other than his tummy problems, he is the sweetest most precious little baby boy.  We sure love him to pieces.  This first month flew by and I am not looking forward to leaving my little monkey to go back to work.  I wish I could stay home with him and not miss a moment of him growing.

Newborn Pictures

When Finley found out we were going to take newborn pictures, he decided that he would try to make it as difficult as possible.  hahaha.  However, we still got many good pictures.  He is so precious and he has one happy big sister who loves to take pictures with him also.  The indoor pictures were taken when he was 10 day old and the outdoor pictures were taken when he was 4 days old.